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Is Organic Food Worth It?

Is Organic Food Worth It?

Is Organic Food Worth It? There is an ever-growing debate about organic food gaining momentum in popular social groups around the world. People are asking whether organic food is real or just a big waste of money. Just like any other issue that is complex like organic...

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Reason #1, Why I Detox

Reason #1, Why I Detox

Reason #1, Why I detox! I am often asked what is my number #1 reason, “why I detox”. After all, you are aware I am the Detox Coach. To answer this question I need you to hear a portion of my life health history. I will get to my answer shortly….but here's my story. I...

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About me

Hi, I'm Dr. Elias Markou, Expert Detox Doctor Hi, I am Dr Elias, ND, the most sought after Environmental Detox Teacher. As a detoxification Naturopathic Doctor, I help patients rid their bodies of toxins, get more energy and lose weight. I can show you how to tap into the power of detoxing to unclog your mind, body and spirit…and actually have fun in the process. Read more about me.
Dr. Elias, ND

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