Welcome to the Detox Blog
Empowering Firefighters to be Healthy and DETOX
Empowering Firefighters to be Healthy and DETOX Firefighters have a lot to think about, and until recently their health was not a top priority. Perhaps the Internet and the availability of so much health news and information has brought firefighter health issues to...
Environmental Medicine & Detox Considerations
about Environmental Medicine & Detox CONSIDERATIONS In the last 50 years our population has had tremendous exposure to chemical pollutants. Scientific examination of our food, water, soil, and air has uncovered hundreds of chemicals. Chemical exposure on our body...
Is Organic Food Worth It?
Is Organic Food Worth It? There is an ever-growing debate about organic food gaining momentum in popular social groups around the world. People are asking whether organic food is real or just a big waste of money. Just like any other issue that is complex like organic...
Detox liver, Kidney, Sweat it out, Repeat
Detox liver, Kidney, Sweat it out, Repeat Stimulating the liver, the kidneys and intestines to drive toxins out is vital for detox success. What is even more important is REPEAT, repeating this process many times in your lifetime is critical. One detox won’t fix a...
Detox Revolt: Body Cleanse and Detox Tips for Radical Beginners
Detox Revolt: Body Cleanse and Detox Tips for Radical Beginners Are you feeling tired and overweight? Do you want to start the weight loss process with your body? Have you been experiencing digestive problems and headaches? Do your skin, hair, and nails not look and...
Reason #1, Why I Detox
Reason #1, Why I detox! I am often asked what is my number #1 reason, “why I detox”. After all, you are aware I am the Detox Coach. To answer this question I need you to hear a portion of my life health history. I will get to my answer shortly….but here's my story. I...